
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2018-08-19 13:24

Buffalo's refugee renaissance takes a hit as influx of new arrivals drops

The sharp drop in the number of new arrivals has been felt most acutely by the refugees who are already here — including many who now worry theyre ...

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Ein Artikel zu David Lynch, Jerry Zremski, Ronald Reagan, Eva M. Hassett, William Sukaly, Karen M. Andolina Scott, Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Suad Obsiye, aber auch zu Marlene A. Schillinger und Memorial Reporting Award, Buffalo News, International Institute of Buffalo, Buffalo’s, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Journey’s End Refugee Services, National Space Council, United States und auch zu Jewish Family Service of Buffalo and Erie County und Washington, Australia, سوريا, Australia, Vietnam, West Side, Myanmar, Somalia, aber auch zu Europe, von The Buffalo News.